Exchanger Optimizer is an innovative tool that allows engineers to consider fabrication, installation, and operational costs in heat exchanger design decisions for shell-and-tube and air-cooled heat exchangers. We have added new capabilities in Version 7.
Shell-and-Tube Setting Plan Drawings
The most notable features to arrive in Version 7 are the addition of true to scale setting plan drawings for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, improved logic for nozzle design and placement, and new logic and options for saddles. The new CAD engine within Exchanger Optimizer allows for the export of drawings as .dxf or .svg files, which can be imported into your CAD application of choice. The engine also allows custom templates to be uploaded and used to match your current drawing format.

Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Spreadsheets
This latest version of Exchanger Optimizer expands on the customization of bill of materials and labor items for air-cooled heat exchangers. The ability to accurately model individual items and fabrication activities is key to achieving an accurate cost. Version 7 also adds several spreadsheets for defining costs of horizontal mounting beams, ladders, full floors, louver actuators, external hot air recirculation structure, heat coils, and more.
If you have any questions on Exchanger Optimizer, or wish to participate in a free trial, contact [email protected]. Current licensed users can now download Version 7 here.